June 22, 2015
Our travels to and from Silent Sidekicks’ event sometimes have us on the road in very rural parts of Maine. We don’t see many people on these backroads but we do see all kinds of wildlife. We encountered so many wild animals that we started to keep a journal of what we saw and where. Although this blog is intended to highlight the people and domestic animals that we meet on our travels, we thought it would be fun to share some information about the wildlife that we see,too. It does help to pass the time while on the road.
Morgan- The Sidekick is always very curious about the animals that we see wandering, running, or even sitting in the road. She usually has her head out the passenger side window trying to get a better look and smell. Most of the time, we see them on a stretch of road where there is not another car for miles. We can pull over and just watch. If I am quick enough, I can even get out my camera and snap a picture. This beautiful moose kept the traffic jammed for about 15 minutes. By jammed, I mean we were the only car around and had to stop until the moose decided to wander back into the woods.
I know many tourists come to Maine to try to catch a glimpse of a moose. According to our travel journal, Morgan and I have had the chance to see 23 moose this year so far, along with a lynx, a coyote, a turtle, 3 porcupines, 4 rabbits, 5 raccoons, 8 bears, 11 foxes, 22 squirrels, 41 deer, 42 turkeys and hundreds of birds. It is amazing to see these animals up close when so many people will never get to see them in a lifetime. We are always appreciative of their beauty and thankful that all the encounters with these animals were safe for all.
Danielle and Morgan- The Sidekick